- Altersheim Rotmonten
- Whiteabbey Health Centre
- Kantonales Spital Heiden
- Macdill Hospital ABDF
- Altersheim Schlossgut
- Altersheim Ulmiz
- Kantonales Spital Herisau
- Whiteabbey Hospital
- Ulster Community and Hospitals Trust
- Kantonale Psychology Klinik St. Urban
- St Brigid's Hospice
- Altersheim am Dorfplatz
- Kantonalen Alters- und Pflegeheime Luzerne
- Altersheim Am Hungeligraben
- Kingman Regional Medical Center
- Flint River Community Hospital
- Altersheim bim Spycher
- Altersheim Chasa Puntota
- St Francis Medical Centre
- Kantonales Altersheim Liestal
- Altersheim Erika
- St Joseph's Private Hospital - Sligo
- Kantonales Frauenspital Fontana
- Altersheim Feld
- Alters- und Pflegezentrum Rondo
- Kantonale Psychiatrische Klinik
- Alters-und Pflegeheim am Weinberg
- Alters-und Pflegeheim Weyergut
- Institut Central des Hôpitaux Valaisans
- Springfield Road Surgery
- Mater and Children's Hospital Campus
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Zum Lamm
- Institution de Lavigny
- St John's House
- Fairview Park Hospital
- Institutions psychiatriques du Valais romand
- Mount Carmel Private Hospital
- Integrierte Psychiatrie
- International Federation of Red Cross
- Ita Wegman-Klinik
- Town And Country Hospital
- Juedische Alters- und Pflegeheime in der Region Zuerich
- The Surgery - Holywood Road
- Alters- und Pflegewohnheim Neumuenster
- Fannin Regional Hospital
- Tyrone County Hospital
- Kantonale Psychiatrische Dienste - Sektor Nord
- Shanakiel Hospital
- Hospices Cantonaux
- Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Peter und Paul
- Hospiz im Park
- Skegoneill Health Centre
- HUMAINE Clinica Sementina
- Smithfield Medical Centre
- Humaine Klinik Zihlschlacht
- Department of Palliative Medicine
- South and East Belfast Health & Social Services Trust
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Sternenhof
- Inselspital Bern
- Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Care Trust
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Unteres Seetal
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Waldhof
- Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Bernhard
- Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Christophorus
- Hospice 'Le Pré-aux-Boef
- Ten Broeck Hospital - Jacksonville
- Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Elisabethenheim
- Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Johann
- St James Hospital
- Istanbul Dialysis Center
- Musgrave Park Hospital
- Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center
- Emory University Hospital
- Newry and Mourne HSS Trust
- St John's Hospital - Limerick
- St John's Hospital - Sligo
- North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust
- Northern Health and Social Services Board
- Tallahassee Memorial Hospital
- Northern Health and Social Services Council
- Northern Ireland Hospice Care
- Hopital Saint-Loup
- Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
- Emory-Adventist Hospital
- Hopitaux de la Ville Cadolles-Pourtalès
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Schoenthal
- Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve
- Alters- und Pflegeheim Sonnenrain
- Marie Curie Centre - Beaconfield
- Alanya Hospital And Dialysis Center
- Capital Regional Medical Center
- Saudi Hospital
- St Francis Hospice
- Mater Infirmorum Hospital
- Moore's Lane Surgery
- Baskent University Alanya Medical Center
- Newnan Hospital Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
- Muckamore Abbey Hospital
- Iskenderun Dialysis Center
- Hospice Information Service at St Christopher's
- Kensington Medical Centre
- Kerrsland Surgery
- Lagan Valley Hospital
- St Finbarrs Hospital
- Lisburn Health Center
- Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital
- Riyadh Medical Complex
- Adsiz Alkolikler Turkiye
- St Brigids District Hospital - Carrick-on-Suir
- Emory Eastside Medical Center
- Foyle Hospice
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)
- Foyle HSS Trust
- The Asian-Pacific Society of Nuclear Cardiology (APSNC)
- St Camillus' Hospital
- St Canice's Hospital
- Emory Northlake Regional Medical Center
- East Shore Residence
- Foyleside Family Practice - Bridge Street Medical Centre
- Gables Medical Center
- Sun Coast Hospital
- King Abdul Aziz University Hospital
- Green Park Healthcare HSS Trust
- St Edmundsbury Hospital
- Sunrise Regional Medical Center
- Holywell Hospital
- Homefirst Community HSS Trust
- King Khalid University Hospital
- Eastern Health and Social Services Board
- St. Vincent Medical Center
- Singapore Medical Association
- Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)
- Forster Green Hospital
- Parkway Laboratory Services
- Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
- Singapore Health Services
- Dallah Hospital
- Parkway Group Healthcare Pte Ltd
- Emory Dunwoody Medical Center
- Downpatrick Maternity Hospital
- National Dental Centre (NDC)
- Doctor Connolly & partners
- Kindred Hospital - Tucson
- St. Petersburg General Hospital
- National Heart Centre (NHC)
- Down Lisburn HSS Trust
- National Skin Centre, Singapore (NSC
- National University Hospital (NUH)
- Al Mishari Hospital
- St Brigid's Hospital - Shaen