Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Yurtdışı Tedavi Merkezleri

Sayfa : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

  1. Altersheim Rotmonten
  2. Whiteabbey Health Centre
  3. Kantonales Spital Heiden
  4. Macdill Hospital ABDF
  5. Altersheim Schlossgut
  6. Altersheim Ulmiz
  7. Kantonales Spital Herisau
  8. Whiteabbey Hospital
  9. Ulster Community and Hospitals Trust
  10. Kantonale Psychology Klinik St. Urban
  11. St Brigid's Hospice
  12. Altersheim am Dorfplatz
  13. Kantonalen Alters- und Pflegeheime Luzerne
  14. Altersheim Am Hungeligraben
  15. Kingman Regional Medical Center
  16. Flint River Community Hospital
  17. Altersheim bim Spycher
  18. Altersheim Chasa Puntota
  19. St Francis Medical Centre
  20. Kantonales Altersheim Liestal
  21. Altersheim Erika
  22. St Joseph's Private Hospital - Sligo
  23. Kantonales Frauenspital Fontana
  24. Altersheim Feld
  25. Alters- und Pflegezentrum Rondo
  26. Kantonale Psychiatrische Klinik
  27. Alters-und Pflegeheim am Weinberg
  28. Alters-und Pflegeheim Weyergut
  29. Institut Central des Hôpitaux Valaisans
  30. Springfield Road Surgery
  31. Mater and Children's Hospital Campus
  32. Alters- und Pflegeheim Zum Lamm
  33. Institution de Lavigny
  34. St John's House
  35. Fairview Park Hospital
  36. Institutions psychiatriques du Valais romand
  37. Mount Carmel Private Hospital
  38. Integrierte Psychiatrie
  39. International Federation of Red Cross
  40. Ita Wegman-Klinik
  41. Town And Country Hospital
  42. Juedische Alters- und Pflegeheime in der Region Zuerich
  43. The Surgery - Holywood Road
  44. Alters- und Pflegewohnheim Neumuenster
  45. Fannin Regional Hospital
  46. Tyrone County Hospital
  47. Kantonale Psychiatrische Dienste - Sektor Nord
  48. Shanakiel Hospital
  49. Hospices Cantonaux
  50. Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Peter und Paul
  51. Hospiz im Park
  52. Skegoneill Health Centre
  53. HUMAINE Clinica Sementina
  54. Smithfield Medical Centre
  55. Humaine Klinik Zihlschlacht
  56. Department of Palliative Medicine
  57. South and East Belfast Health & Social Services Trust
  58. Alters- und Pflegeheim Sternenhof
  59. Inselspital Bern
  60. Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Care Trust
  61. Alters- und Pflegeheim Unteres Seetal
  62. Alters- und Pflegeheim Waldhof
  63. Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Bernhard
  64. Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Christophorus
  65. Hospice 'Le Pré-aux-Boef
  66. Ten Broeck Hospital - Jacksonville
  67. Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Elisabethenheim
  68. Alters- und Pflegeheim St. Johann
  69. St James Hospital
  70. Istanbul Dialysis Center
  71. Musgrave Park Hospital
  72. Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center
  73. Emory University Hospital
  74. Newry and Mourne HSS Trust
  75. St John's Hospital - Limerick
  76. St John's Hospital - Sligo
  77. North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust
  78. Northern Health and Social Services Board
  79. Tallahassee Memorial Hospital
  80. Northern Health and Social Services Council
  81. Northern Ireland Hospice Care
  82. Hopital Saint-Loup
  83. Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
  84. Emory-Adventist Hospital
  85. Hopitaux de la Ville Cadolles-Pourtalès
  86. Alters- und Pflegeheim Schoenthal
  87. Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve
  88. Alters- und Pflegeheim Sonnenrain
  89. Marie Curie Centre - Beaconfield
  90. Alanya Hospital And Dialysis Center
  91. Capital Regional Medical Center
  92. Saudi Hospital
  93. St Francis Hospice
  94. Mater Infirmorum Hospital
  95. Moore's Lane Surgery
  96. Baskent University Alanya Medical Center
  97. Newnan Hospital Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
  98. Muckamore Abbey Hospital
  99. Iskenderun Dialysis Center
  100. Hospice Information Service at St Christopher's
  101. Kensington Medical Centre
  102. Kerrsland Surgery
  103. Lagan Valley Hospital
  104. St Finbarrs Hospital
  105. Lisburn Health Center
  106. Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital
  107. Riyadh Medical Complex
  108. Adsiz Alkolikler Turkiye
  109. St Brigids District Hospital - Carrick-on-Suir
  110. Emory Eastside Medical Center
  111. Foyle Hospice
  112. Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)
  113. Foyle HSS Trust
  114. The Asian-Pacific Society of Nuclear Cardiology (APSNC)
  115. St Camillus' Hospital
  116. St Canice's Hospital
  117. Emory Northlake Regional Medical Center
  118. East Shore Residence
  119. Foyleside Family Practice - Bridge Street Medical Centre
  120. Gables Medical Center
  121. Sun Coast Hospital
  122. King Abdul Aziz University Hospital
  123. Green Park Healthcare HSS Trust
  124. St Edmundsbury Hospital
  125. Sunrise Regional Medical Center
  126. Holywell Hospital
  127. Homefirst Community HSS Trust
  128. King Khalid University Hospital
  129. Eastern Health and Social Services Board
  130. St. Vincent Medical Center
  131. Singapore Medical Association
  132. Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)
  133. Forster Green Hospital
  134. Parkway Laboratory Services
  135. Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
  136. Singapore Health Services
  137. Dallah Hospital
  138. Parkway Group Healthcare Pte Ltd
  139. Emory Dunwoody Medical Center
  140. Downpatrick Maternity Hospital
  141. National Dental Centre (NDC)
  142. Doctor Connolly & partners
  143. Kindred Hospital - Tucson
  144. St. Petersburg General Hospital
  145. National Heart Centre (NHC)
  146. Down Lisburn HSS Trust
  147. National Skin Centre, Singapore (NSC
  148. National University Hospital (NUH)
  149. Al Mishari Hospital
  150. St Brigid's Hospital - Shaen