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Lost Missing Pieces: Room 23 3169 Room 23 Lost Missing Pieces'ın son mobisode'u verizon cihazlarda izlenebilir hale geldi. Buradan videoya ulaşabilirsiniz. Konuşma metinlerini ise yazının devamında bulabilirsiniz. BEN: Whats happening? JULIET: He did it again BEN: Did what again? JULIET: You know. BEN: Well, you're going to have to tell him to stop doing it. JULIET: I'm not going in there. BEN: Fine. Get Beatrice. JULIET: She is not going in there either Ben. None of them will. Tom won't even bring him food. They're all scared. Look Ben, his father is out there looking for him. We could bring him back. Kaynak:22dakika |
WEZ Format +3. Şuan Saat: 07:37 AM. |
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