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Atakan Sönmez
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Standart Subliminal ile ilgili Bilimsel Kanıtlar çevirisini yapan kişiye çekim yasası özel mp3

Aşağıda subliminal sistemin geçerliliği ile ilgili bazı bilimsel araştırmalar bulunmakta..Bu yazıyı vaktim olmadığı için Türkçe'ye çevirmeden ekledim.

Bu yazıyı Türkçe'ye çevirmeye gönüllü bir üyemiz var mi?

Improves Math Skills

Ariam, S. and Siller, J. "Effects of Subliminal Oneness Stimuli in Hebrew on Academic Performance of Israeli High School Students. " Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1982):
  • 10th grade students were shown subliminal messages in Hebrew saying; "Mommy and I are one", "My teacher and I are one" and "People are walking in the street" (a neutral statement). The Students received the messages four times per week for 6 weeks.
  • 6 weeks later, the students exposed to the subliminal statement "Mommy and I are one" scored higher in a maths exam than the other groups.
Psychologists claimed the messages such as "Mommy and I are one" would boost the students self esteem and have an effect to help them learn. Also interestingly when the messages were revealed so the students were aware of what they were receiving the effect failed, giving support to the effectiveness of sending a subliminal message rather than an overt one.

Helps to Quit Smoking

Palmatier, J.R., and Bornstein, P.H. "Effects of Subliminal Stimulation of Symbiotic Merging Fantasies on Behavioral Treatment of Smokers." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1980):
  • Thirty-four people underwent a 3-week, group-oriented smoking cessation therapy package.
  • Results showed that the subliminal messages affected post-treatment smoking behavior of the group. i.e. the people who received subliminal messages after their regular therapy had a lower rate of relapse into smoking again.
A follow up study by Palmatier and Bornstein found that "subliminal messaging noticeably improved the progress of subjects attempting to quit smoking", when compared to the group not exposed to subliminal messages.

The Mind Can "Hear" Audio Subliminal Messages

Kaser, V.A. "The Effects of an Auditory Subliminal Perception Message Upon the Production of Images and Dreams". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1986).
  • Subjects listened to an audio subliminal message. The message was mixed with a regular music recording. Another group of subjects simply listened to the regular music recording without the subliminals.
  • Both groups were asked to create a pre-test drawing before and immediately after the music was played as well as a drawing of any dreams they had the previous night.
  • When the drawings were examined, the effects of the subliminal message could be seen.The drawings of the people who listened to the music with subliminal hidden content contained images relating to the suggestions they were listening to, whereas no correlation could be found with the control group.
  • Kaser concluded that "the unconscious/subconscious mind is able to perceive a recorded verbal message that cannot be consciously heard", proving the existence of subliminal perception.
In another study conducted by Dr. Becker experimental and control groups were asked to guess a three-digit number. The experimental group was exposed to the number subliminally embedded in behind a pink noise (similar to white noise) based audio track.
In three different trials an average of 77% of people exposed to the subliminal numbers guessed correctly, in comparison to only 10% of people in the control groups who weren't exposed subliminally to the numbers. This again confirms that subliminal messages are perceived at a non-conscious level.
Losing Weight & Healthy Eating

Silverman, L.H., Martin, A., Ungaro, R., and Mendelsohn, E. "Effect of Subliminal Stimulation of Symbiotic Fantasies on Behavior Modification Treatment of Obesity." Clinical Psychology (1978):
  • Silverman et al conducted two experiments on subliminal perception with groups of 26 and 30 women. The women were at least 15% overweight. There were 2 groups, a 'subliminal group' and a 'control group'. Both groups were given some education on weight loss and healthy eating i.e. how to record calories accurately, eating at regular meal times, and how to reward themselves for eating healthily.
  • At the start and end of all the sessions, everyone was asked to image a situation in which they would be tempted to over eat. At this point they were exposed to a subliminal message for 4 milliseconds. Either a weight loss based subliminal message for the subliminal group or a neutral subliminal message for the control group.
  • In both cases the 'subliminal group' lost more weight than the control group, with the subliminal group losing significantly more by the end of the follow up period. It was concluded that the use of subliminal messaging was able to help people reduce their over eating habits.
Another study conducted by Dr. Becker et al showed that the use of subliminal messages can have astounding results:
  • In Metairie, Louisiana, at Dr. Becker's weight loss clinic his patients heard both cassette tape subliminal messages and videotapes containing subliminals.
  • One woman lost 100 pounds within one year. In a follow up Dr. Becker found 50% of the patients maintained over half their weight loss for up to two years following the subliminal program. Even more impressively 23% maintained between 75% and 100% of their total weight loss. These figures were significantly better than diet programs in which he did not use subliminal messaging. subliminal messages.
Improve Study Skills

Parker, K.A. "Effects of Subliminal Symbiotic Stimulation on Academic Performance: Further Evidence on the Adaptation-Enhancing Effects of Oneness Fantasies." Journal of Counseling Psychology (1982):
  • 60 college students on a summer law course for 6 weeks received subliminal messages before 3 of their 5 lectures per week, as also before and after a brief minute counseling session.
  • The subjects exposed to subliminal messaging achieved significantly higher grades than the others, which were consistent with other earlier studies.
Subliminal Enhancements Boost Learning Capacity

Cook, H., Ph.D. "Effects of Subliminal Symbiotic Gratification and the Magic of Believing on Achievement." Psychoanalytic Psychology (1985):
  • University students were split into groups and exposed to either to a subliminal message, or a control message immediately after class over a period of 12 sessions of 4 millisecond duration messages.
  • Students who had received the subliminal messages ended up performing better in their end of year exams than students who received the control message.
  • The researchers concluded that subliminally stimulating students to feel better about themselves enabled them to learn more efficiently.
Cure Agoraphobia

Lee, I., Tyrer, P. and Horn, S., "A comparison of Subliminal, Supraliminal and Faded Phobic Cine-Films in the Treatment of Agoraphobia. " British Journal of Psychiatry (1983):
  • 32 patients were treated by being exposed to videos twice per week for a period of three weeks. Three of the groups saw the same movie - a selection of agoraphobic scenes, while the control group saw a potter working on his wheel. The three test groups included one group who viewed it at a level below the visual threshold (the subliminal group), one seeing it under normal conditions (the regular group), and the third was exposed to both subliminal and regular viewing as the study progressed (the faded group).
  • The faded group showed the greatest improvement out of all of the groups. The improvement was maintained over a twelve week review period.
  • These findings findings indicate that both subliminal and regular presentation of messages can be effective in reducing agoraphobic behavior, but when combining subliminal messaging with regular viewing there is an even greater effect.
Darts Accuracy

Plumbo, R. and Gillman, I. "Effects of Subliminal Activation of Oedipal Fantasies on Competitive Performance." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1984):
  • Subjects tested for their darts accuracy. They were exposed to the following subliminal messages; "Beating him is OK", "Beating him is wrong", and a neutral control message of "People are walking".
  • Results showed that people exposed to the message "Beating him is OK" showed greater dart-throwing accuracy than people listening to any other messages.
This study shows that even a simple positive message played while throwing darts can induce a greater level of accuracy. Strong Reactions To Subconscious Messages

Bornstein, R.F, Leone, D.R. and Galley, D.J. "The Generalizability of Subliminal Mere Exposure Effects: Influence of Stimuli Perceived Without Awareness on Social Behavior." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1987):
  • Spoken statements hidden by white noise at increasing volume levels were played to test subjects.
  • Stronger physiological reactions were observed in subjects exposed to the messages which masked by loud white noise and inaudible, than when the volume was actually lower and the messages were somewhat audible.
  • Research concluded that completely inaudible messages were capable of reaching the human mind, and of having a physiological effect.
Subliminal Messages Reduce Shoplifting
  • TIME Magazine reported in 1979 that nearly 50 department stores in the U.S. and Canada had been using subliminal messages over their music systems which had resulted in a significant reduction in both customer based shoplifting and employee theft.
  • One East Coast chain amounted savings of $600,000 over a nine-month period!
  • Another story in the Wall Street Journal in 1980 stated that subliminal messaging a New Orleans süpermarket resulted in an all time low within 6 months of use - from $50,000 per six month period to a figure of $13,000! Furthermore cashier shortages dropped from $125 per week to below $10 per week.
The Power of Subliminal Stimulus

Shevrin, H. "Does the Averaged Evoked Response Encode Subliminal Perception? Yes." (1975):
  • Research showed that peoples responses to a given stimulus were statistically lower when subjects were consciously aware, but when the stimuli was presented in a subliminal fashion the response rate was significantly higher.
  • Despite people being unaware of the stimuli, measurements suggest that our minds do still become aware. This suggests that while the mind is not consciously aware of any messages, the subconscious



Buraya ilk defa geliyorsanız ismim Atakan Sönmez ve burası hayatimdegisti.com.Boğaziçi üniversitesi mezunuyum ve Türkiyede ilk Subliminal Telkin Uzmanıyım.tıklayın

Bir site olsa onu bulanların uykuda dinledikleri mp3 ler ile hayatları değişse… Bir site olsa onu bulanlar hipnoz olmadan sadece subliminal mp3 leri yükleyip ve uykuda dinleyerek hayatlarını değiştirseler. Bu fikir 1995 yılında yani 25 yıl önce çıkmıştı. 15 yıl önce ise bu mp3 lerin kişiye engel olan çekirdek inançlara göre hazırlanması yani cekirdekinanc.com fikri oluştu

Hipnoz gibi bir şey mi subliminal mp3 nedir?

Tam olarak değil. Öncelikle size engel olan 0-11 yaş arası oluşan bilinçaltı kayıtlarınız yani çekirdek inançlarınız bulunur. Sonra bu çekirdek inançlarınızın pozitif halleri olumlamalar isminize özel olarak mp3 lerin ve müziğin içine gizlenir. Siz de uykuda ya da uyanıkken bu mp3 leri dinleyerek sonuç alırsınız. Çocukluğunuzda size söylenenlerin tam tersini dinlediğiniz kayıtlarla binlerce kez bilinçaltınıza yerleştirmiş oluruz.

Çekirdek inançların hayatımda engellere neden olduğunu nasıl anlarım?

Hayatınızda hep aynı şeyler tekrar ediyorsa. İlişkilerde hep aynı şeyleri yaşıyorsanız... Aşırı fedakar bir yapınız varsa ve bu sanki göreviniz haline geldiyse. Birilerini kurtarmaya çalışıyorsanız. Paranızın bereketi yoksa sürekli gereksiz harcamalar çıkıyorsa birikim yapamıyorsanız. Hayır demekte zorlanıyorsanız. Odaklanmakta bir şeyleri devam ettirmekte sorun yaşıyorsanız. İlişkilerde mıknatıs gibi sorunlu kişileri çekiyorsanız. İş hayatında iniş çıkışlar sürekli oluyorsa. Ertelemeleriniz fazla ise. Aşırı kontrolcü ve garantici bir yapınız varsa kaygı düzeyiniz yüksekse hep en kötü ihtimali düşünüyorsanız ve şanssızlıkları sorunlu olayları ve sorunlu kişileri hayatınıza çekiyorsanız çocuk yaşta oluşan çekirdek inançlar hayatınızı yönetiyor olabilir.

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