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Alt 11-02-2010, 09:14 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Standart Cevap: sibel's diary..

wellcome first of all,
be happy :)
learning extra language's word there a lot of way, but i tell you a road that i a lot of words learnt
for example like this.
the metarials;
1.) a small paper ( size: 3cm x 5cm )
2.) a pen
3.) a word

you have to write english word a side of the paper, after that turkish mean another side.
for a word you have to use a paper
and you put on your pocket, after, you can play tombola :)
after, you take a paper and you read this, wellll you can say another language :)

this way is good idea, a i had learn a lot of words :)

take cake

i hope so i could tell

Hücresel seviyede attığın her tohum, yeşerecektir.

Elimde mevcut olan >tüm ücretsiz ve isme özel olmayan telkinler<

Daha Sağlıklı Bir Hayat İçin Smootox Buğday Çimi Suyu İçin: https://www.simgeorganik.com.tr

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