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Alt 06-08-2010, 07:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
Üyelik tarihi: May 2010
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What are Brainwaves?

Brainwaves are the result of electrical activity in the brain as the neurons communicate with each other. The changes in this electrical activity depend on what the person is doing. Our brains cycle through different states throughout the day and night. These brainwave states incorporate Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies at different levels with one frequency dominating at any given time. The dominant frequency determines your “state of mind.” This concept is perfectly described by Anna Wise in her book, "Awakening the Mind" (Tarcher/Putnam, New York):
“Each state that you experience entails a symphony of brain waves, with each frequency playing its own characteristic part. This finely woven, intricate interrelationship of brain-wave frequencies delicately determines your state of consciousness. While you are rarely producing only one type of brain wave at a time, each category of brain waves has its own qualities and characteristics.”
Brainwave Entrainment

Your brain responds to vibrations from rhythmic sounds. Using the Brainwave Synchronizer, your brain will mimic the frequency that comes through the headphones. In this way you can entrain or guide your brain into different states, even shifting your state of consciousness.
We have created several Brainwave Synchronizer Factory Presets in the Natura program for you. Read their descriptions and notice their differences in frequency, other sounds, color, and visualization and you click through them. You can adjust these features to create your own User Presets.
If you are interested in creating your own unique brainwave entrainment sessions from scratch, select the brainwave frequency according to the Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta information. Experiment with the hertz level and tone (key of C, for example) in the selected frequency. Adjust the volume as desired to compliment the other sound(s) – nature or music - you may have selected. You can also add your preferred color and a visualization to your own preset. When you find a combination of settings that is “just right” for you, follow the steps for saving it as one of your User Presets.

Beta Waves

Alertness, Concentration
The Beta brainwave state keeps your mind sharp and focused. In Beta state, your brain can easily analyze and organize information, make connections, and generate new ideas and solutions. Beta is helpful for workplace productivity, exam study, preparing to give a presentation, or engaging in other activities which require high levels of concentration and alertness.

When you need to focus on a project, utilize the Brainwave Synchronizer in Natura and select Beta or one of the Beta-based Factory Presets. Be sure to take regular breaks and switch to Alpha Waves or Theta Waves for 10 minutes during every hour of focusing on a project. Use the Timer to make sure you don't overdo it. Too much Beta can result in feeling anxious, worried, or tense.

Alpha Waves

Creativity, Relaxation, Visualization
Alpha brainwaves are a gentle contrast to the rapidity of Beta state. This relaxing state encourages the flow of creative energy and a sense of well-being. The Alpha brainwave state is ideal for contemplation, solving problems, and visualization, acting as a gateway to our creativity.

Use the Brainwave Synchronizer set to Alpha (or select one of the Alpha-based Factory Presets) for 10 minutes for every hour of a study session. This gives your brain a break from Beta Waves and helps you absorb the information. Alpha is also ideal for self-hypnosis. Set the Timer for your desired session time.
Theta Waves

Deep Relaxation, Meditation, Memory Enhancement
Slower than Beta, the Theta brainwave state is present when dreaming in light sleep. It has often been described as being in a waking dream. The Theta frequency is associated with stress relief and recalling long-forgotten memories. This "twilight" state can bring about deep meditation, resulting in improved overall health, the need for less sleep, increased creativity, and enhanced learning.

To recover from too many Beta Waves in a hectic day, put on your headphones and set the Brainwave Synchronizer to Theta or one of the Theta-based Factory Presets. Set the Timer for a session of 5-15 minutes to help you wind down from a busy day, have a mini meditation, give your brain a break from focused thinking, and/or enjoy a refreshing cat-nap.

Delta Waves

Healing, Deep Sleep
Delta state, when brainwaves are slowest, is commonly associated with deep sleep. Certain frequencies in this range are accompanied by the release of Human Growth Hormone, which is beneficial for healing. The Delta state, when achieved while awake, also provides the opportunity to access unconscious brain activity, encouraging it to flow to the conscious mind. Delta has also been associated with people who have a strong sense of empathy or intuition. They can have a higher than normal presence of Delta when awake.
Delta state can be difficult to achieve through brainwave entrainment. The brain usually needs to drift down to Delta on its own from deep Theta Waves, as is natural during sleep. Use the Brainwave Synchronizer and select the Theta frequency or one of the Theta-based Factory Presets first, then switch to Delta.

Factory Presets

One of the most useful features of Natura is the Factory Presets option. The Factory Presets can produce amazing results, especially when used with headphones (necessary for the brainwave synchronizer function to be effective). Each preset was professionaly mixed, focusing on color therapy, imagery, and brainwave entrainment (see What are Brainwaves? ) for maximum results. You can also use these as a starting point for mixing your own user presets .

Under "PRESETS" click "factory" to open the "Factory Presets" window. Click on your desired preset to activate it. It will automatically begin and its name will appear at the bottom of the Factory Presets window. Click the "X" to close the window.

If you do not want the Brainwave Synchronizer function included in the preset, first uncheck the box next to "Include Brainwave Synchronizer" at the top of the Factory Presets window, then select a preset. Click the "X" to close the window.
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