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Alt 27-10-2010, 12:29 PM   #9 (permalink)
zamanı_geldi - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Üyelik tarihi: Sep 2010
Bulunduğu yer: tc.
Mesajlar: 463
Tesekkür: 593
357 Mesajinıza toplam 832 kez İyi ki varsın demişler.İyi ki varsınız iyi ki varız.
zamanı_geldi has a spectacular aura aboutzamanı_geldi has a spectacular aura aboutzamanı_geldi has a spectacular aura about
Standart Cevap: zor insanla başa çıkmanın 3 yolu

hayatimdegisti Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster

. from this day on, you’re going to find your confidence within yourself, your confidence in your abilities and your self belief, becoming steadily stronger... stronger than yesterday... but not as strong as tomorrow... stronger than it was yesterday... but not yet as strong as it will be tomorrow... you’re going to find yourself far less concerned about other peoples’ opinions of you, too... you’ll find you gain a clearer perspective and a better sense of proportion... beginning to recognize and understand.... that whatever other people think or feel is their concern... part of their lives... part of their attitudes... in the past, you might have been sometimes unfairly judged, as we all have been at some time or another... and in the future, too, you might sometimes be misjudged, as we all are... but that misjudgment doesn’t actually change anything... it doesn’t alter the facts... it doesn’t change the real you... if someone misjudges you at some time, that’s simply their own error... their own error of judgment... they’ve simply made a mistake... and you don’t mind allowing people to make mistakes... you don’t mind people being wrong sometimes.... because you know what’s inside yourself... you understand your true integrity your true self... what others imagine they see is simply the product of their own experiences of life... their own attitudes... their own fears and expectations... just their own thoughts... just their thoughts and nothing more than their thoughts... and you’re not responsible for any of those things at all... and it’s worth remembering that nothing that we see or hear, or imagine that we see or hear, can change us... nothing that we perceive in the outside world can hurt us... nor alter us... only acting upon those things can do that... nothing that we see or hear can hurt us or change us... even what I’m saying to you here cannot change you... only reacting to these things can do that... only acting upon the things we see and hear can change us... and we have free choice to decide whether or not to act upon these things... and thinking about things is acting upon them... but we have free choice to decide which things to act upon, which things to react to... and which things to ignore... and the things that you choose to ignore will be a matter of complete indifference to you... the things that you choose to ignore will always remain a matter of complete indifference....

Bugunden itibaren kendi icinde rahat olacaksin.Yeteneklerini sergilerken ki rahatligin ve kendine olan inancin istikrarli bir sekilde artacak..Bir onceki gune gore kendine olan inancin ve yeteneklerin daha guclu ancak yarin ki kadar guclu degil...Diger insanlarin dusunceleri hakkinda da daha az endiseleniyorsun.Daha net bir bakis acin ve onsezin var.Anlamaya ve kabul etmeye basliyorsun.Diger insanlarin dusundukleri ve hissetikleri onlarin meselesidir.Onlarin yasamlarinin bir parcasidir.Onlarin davranis bicimlerinin bir parcasidir.Gecmiste herkesin basina geldigi gibi adil olmayan bir sekilde elestirilmis olabilirsin.Gelecekte de herkes gibi haksiz bir sekilde de olsa elestiriye ugrayacaksin.Fakat haksiz bir sekilde elestirilme ya da degerlendirilme hic bir seyi degistimez.Gercekleri degistiremez.Varolan seni degistirmez.Eger her hangi bir sekilde birisi seni haksiz bir sekilde elestirirse bu basitce onun hatasidir.Onun yanlis degerlendirmesidir.Basitce bir hata yapmistir.Ve insanlarin hata yapmalarina musade etmekten rahatsiz olmuyorsun.Insanlarin bazen hatali davranmalarin sakinlikle karsiliyorsun.Cunku sen icinde ne oldugunu bilensin.Kisiligin sana dogru yolu gosterir.Digerlerinin gordugu basitce kendi yasam deneyimlerinin sonucudur.Onlarin davranislarinin korku ve beklenitlerinin sonucudur.Sadece kendi dusuncleridir.Sadece kendi dusuncleri ve daha fazlasi degil.Ve sen onlarin hicbirinden mesul degilsin. Gormedigigimiz duymadigimiz ya da gormeyi duymayi hayal etmedigimiz hic bir sey bizi etkileyemez.Sadece onlara karsi aldigimiz tavir bizi degistirir.Gordugumuz duydugumuz hic bir sey bizi degistiremez ya da inicitemez.Burada soylenilenler bile seni degistiremez.Sadece bu soylenilenlere karsi aldigin tavir etkiler ve degistirir.Gordugun ve duydugun seylerin seni etkilemesi kendi ozgur iraden ile sectigin tavra baglidir.Hangi seylere tepki verecegin hangilerinin seni harekete gecirecegi hangilerini umursmayacagin senin secimindir.Umursamadigin seyler senin icin hic bir sey ifade etmez.Umursamadigin seyler senin icin hic bir sey ifade etmez
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