04-05-2010, 01:41 PM
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Üyelik tarihi: Dec 2008
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| Medical Encyclopedia Topics beginning with "E-Ep" Medical Encyclopedia Topics beginning with "E-Ep"
Medical Encyclopedia Topics beginning with E-Ep E vermicularis see Pinworms
E-rosetting see B and T cell screen
E. coli diarrhea see E. coli enteritis
E. coli enteritis
E2 see Estradiol - test
Eagle-Barrett syndrome see Prune belly syndrome
Ear barotrauma
Ear blockage see Wax blockage
Ear cysts see Benign ear cyst or tumor
Ear discharges or bleeding
Ear drainage culture
Ear emergencies
Ear examination
Ear impaction see Wax blockage
Ear infection see Otitis
Ear infection - acute
Ear infection - chronic see Otitis media - chronic
Ear infection - outer ear - acute see Swimmer's ear
Ear infection - outer ear - chronic see Swimmer's ear - chronic
Ear injury see Acoustic trauma
Ear noises or buzzing
Ear popping see Ear barotrauma
Ear surgery - cosmetic see Cosmetic ear surgery
Ear tag see Preauricular tag or pit
Ear tube insertion
Ear tubes surgery see Ear tube insertion
Ear tumors see Benign ear cyst or tumor
Ear unclogging from high altitudes
Ear wax see Wax blockage
Eardrum - ruptured or punctured see Ruptured or perforated eardrum
Eardrum repair
Earlobe creases
Early childhood caries
Early localized Lyme infection see Lyme disease - primary
Early pregnancy see First trimester pregnancy
Early satiety see Abdominal fullness prematurely after meals
Early symptomatic HIV infection
Eating - binge see Binge eating
Eating disorder - anorexia see Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder - bulimia see Bulimia
Eating disorders - resources
Eaton-Lambert syndrome see Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
Ebola hemorrhagic fever
Ebola virus infection see Ebola hemorrhagic fever
EBV antibody test see Epstein-Barr virus test
Ecchymoses see Bleeding into the skin
Ecchymosis treatment see Bruise mark treatment
ECG - exercise treadmill see Exercise stress test
ECHO virus
Echocardiogram - transthoracic see Echocardiogram
Echocardiography stress test see Stress Echocardiography
Echography - eye see Eye and orbit ultrasound
ECMO see Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation
Ecotrin overdose see Aspirin overdose
ECT see Electroconvulsive therapy
Ectodermal dysplasia
Ectopic ADH secretion
Ectopic Cushings syndrome
Ectopic heartbeat
Ectopic pregnancy
Eczema - nummular see Nummular eczema
Edema see Swelling
Edema - peripheral, Peripheral edema see Foot, leg, and ankle swelling
Edwards syndrome see Trisomy 18
EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Egyptian ophthalmia see Trachoma
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Ejaculation retrograde see Retrograde ejaculation
Ejaculatory incompetence see Delayed ejaculation
EKG - exercise treadmill see Exercise stress test
Elavil overdose see Amitriptyline hydrochloride overdose
Elbow - nursemaid's see Nursemaids elbow
Elbow - pulled see Nursemaids elbow
Elbow carrying angle - excessive see Carrying angle of the elbow - excessive
Elbow pain
Elbow replacement
Elbow subluxation see Nursemaids elbow
Elder care - resources
Elective abortion see Abortion - elective or therapeutic
Electrical injury
Electrical shock see Electrical injury
Electrocardiogram see ECG
Electrocardiography - ambulatory see Holter monitor (24h)
Electroconvulsive therapy
Electroencephalogram see EEG
Electrogram - His bundle see His bundle electrography
Electrolytes - urine
Electrophysiology study - intracardiac see Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
Elephant ear
Elevated temperature see Fever
Elimination patterns
ELISA for Lyme disease see Lyme disease antibody
Elliptocytosis - hereditary see Hereditary elliptocytosis
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Elmer's glue see Household glue
Emboli see Blood clots
Embolism - renal artery see Acute arterial occlusion - kidney
Embolus see Pulmonary embolus
Embrace reflex see Moro reflex
Embryo see Fetal development
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma see Rhabdomyosarcoma
Emergency airway puncture
Emergency airway puncture see Emergency airway puncture
Emergency contraception
Emesis see Nausea and vomiting
EMG see Electromyography
Empty scrotum - anorchia see Anorchia
Empty scrotum - undescended testes see Undescended testicle
Empty sella syndrome
Emulsoil overdose see Castor oil overdose
Encephalopathy - alcoholic see Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Encephalopathy - hepatic see Hepatic encephalopathy
Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis see Sturge-Weber syndrome
End stage renal disease - diet see Kidney diet - dialysis patients
End-stage kidney disease
Endemic goiter see Colloid nodular goiter
Endemic typhus see Typhus
Endep overdose see Amitriptyline hydrochloride overdose
Endobrow lift see Forehead lift
Endocarditis - infectious see Infectious endocarditis
Endocarditis (culture-negative) see Culture-negative endocarditis
Endocervical culture see Culture - endocervix
Endocervical gram stain
Endocrine glands
Endolymphatic hydrops see Menieres disease
Endometrial biopsy
Endometrial cancer
Endometrial/uterine adenocarcinoma see Endometrial cancer
Endometriosis interna see Adenomyosis
Endoprosthetic elbow replacement see Elbow replacement
Endoscopic lithotripsy see Lithotripsy
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography see ERCP
Endotoxic shock see Septic shock
Endotracheal intubation
Endovaginal ultrasound see Transvaginal ultrasound
Endovascular ultrasound see Intravascular ultrasound
Endovenous ablation therapy see Varicose vein therapy
Energy preservation
ENG see Electronystagmography
Enlarged adenoids
Enlarged liver see Hepatomegaly
Enlarged prostate
Enlarged spleen see Splenomegaly
Enlargement of one pupil see Eyes/pupils different size
Enovil overdose see Amitriptyline hydrochloride overdose
Enteric fever see Typhoid fever
Entero-enteral or enterocutaneous fistula
Enterobiasis see Pinworms
Enterobiasis test see Pinworm test
Enterobius vermicularis see Pinworms
Enteromerocele see Femoral hernia
Enuresis see Bedwetting
Enuresis see Urination - bed wetting
Enzyme markers
Enzyme-linked immunoassay see ELISA
EOM see Extraocular muscle function testing
Eosinophil count - absolute
Eosinophilic fasciitis
Eosinophilic granuloma see Histiocytosis
Eosinophilic pneumonia see Simple pulmonary eosinophilia
Eosinophils see Eosinophil count - absolute
Ependymoma - adults see Brain tumor - adults
Ependymoma - children see Brain tumor - children
Epicanthal folds
Epicondylitis - lateral see Tennis elbow
Epidemic arthritic erythema see Rat-bite fever
Epidemic parotitis see Mumps
Epidemic typhus see Typhus
Epidermal cyst see Sebaceous cyst
Epidermoid cyst see Sebaceous cyst
Epidermolysis bullosa
Epididymo-orchitis see Orchitis
Epidural abscess
Epidural hematoma see Extradural hemorrhage
Epilepsy - resources
Epinephrine - blood see Catecholamines - blood
Epinephrine-urine test see Catecholamines - urine
Epiphora see Watery eyes
Epiphyseal arrest see Leg lengthening/shortening
Epiphysiodesis see Leg lengthening/shortening
Epistaxis see Nosebleed
Epithelial casts see Urinary casts
Epithelial cells see Epithelium
Epitrochlear bursitis see Tennis elbow
EPO see Erythropoietin test
Epoxy poisoning see Plastic casting resin poisoning
EPS - intracardiac see Intracardiac electrophysiology study (EPS)
Epstein pearls
Epstein-Barr virus test
Epulis see Mucous cyst Buraya ilk defa geliyorsanız ismim Atakan Sönmez ve burası hayatimdegisti.com.Boğaziçi üniversitesi mezunuyum ve Türkiyede ilk Subliminal Telkin Uzmanıyım.tıklayın Bir site olsa onu bulanların uykuda dinledikleri mp3 ler ile hayatları değişse… Bir site olsa onu bulanlar hipnoz olmadan sadece subliminal mp3 leri yükleyip ve uykuda dinleyerek hayatlarını değiştirseler. Bu fikir 1995 yılında yani 25 yıl önce çıkmıştı. 15 yıl önce ise bu mp3 lerin kişiye engel olan çekirdek inançlara göre hazırlanması yani cekirdekinanc.com fikri oluştu Hipnoz gibi bir şey mi subliminal mp3 nedir? Tam olarak değil. Öncelikle size engel olan 0-11 yaş arası oluşan bilinçaltı kayıtlarınız yani çekirdek inançlarınız bulunur. Sonra bu çekirdek inançlarınızın pozitif halleri olumlamalar isminize özel olarak mp3 lerin ve müziğin içine gizlenir. Siz de uykuda ya da uyanıkken bu mp3 leri dinleyerek sonuç alırsınız. Çocukluğunuzda size söylenenlerin tam tersini dinlediğiniz kayıtlarla binlerce kez bilinçaltınıza yerleştirmiş oluruz. Çekirdek inançların hayatımda engellere neden olduğunu nasıl anlarım? Hayatınızda hep aynı şeyler tekrar ediyorsa. İlişkilerde hep aynı şeyleri yaşıyorsanız... Aşırı fedakar bir yapınız varsa ve bu sanki göreviniz haline geldiyse. Birilerini kurtarmaya çalışıyorsanız. Paranızın bereketi yoksa sürekli gereksiz harcamalar çıkıyorsa birikim yapamıyorsanız. Hayır demekte zorlanıyorsanız. Odaklanmakta bir şeyleri devam ettirmekte sorun yaşıyorsanız. İlişkilerde mıknatıs gibi sorunlu kişileri çekiyorsanız. İş hayatında iniş çıkışlar sürekli oluyorsa. Ertelemeleriniz fazla ise. Aşırı kontrolcü ve garantici bir yapınız varsa kaygı düzeyiniz yüksekse hep en kötü ihtimali düşünüyorsanız ve şanssızlıkları sorunlu olayları ve sorunlu kişileri hayatınıza çekiyorsanız çocuk yaşta oluşan çekirdek inançlar hayatınızı yönetiyor olabilir.
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