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Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking

Serbest Kürsü ve Kadınlarla ilgili haberler Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking Konusunu Konuğumuz olarak inceliyorsunuz sitemizde yaşamınızı hemen degistirecek bir cok telkinli hipnoz mp3 vardir tesaduf eseri de buradaysanız mutlaka inceleyiniz üst link TelkinCD tıklayınız I like cinema art as most of the people. But due to business things in last 4-5 years, I think I havent been follow as I would like to do.. Though, some good things, some artists or directors still can ...

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Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking

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Standart Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking

I like cinema art as most of the people. But due to business things in last 4-5 years, I think I havent been follow as I would like to do.. Though, some good things, some artists or directors still can be get my attention, in that lack of time,like the one I will try to introduce to you in that article.

Although, have been written inhiz filmography, he have became internationally known with the Lars Von Tiers "Breaking theWaves", I first noticedhim in "Taking Sides" . Story was taken from a true story. He was playing in a role of maestro, had been very famous in Hitler's time. Movie was telling us his questioning as a war criminal,after WWII by an American officer in an insulting way. Stellan was passinga bunch of emotions, scare, pride of to be an artist but also a little regret, hesitate, angryness.. etc… in that movie, in my opinion.

At a glance of his unoffical web site (, there is so many movies in his filmography. As I noticed from that list, in Turkey we had chance to see Ronin, God Will Hunting, The Hunt for Red October, Deep Blue Sea, Dancer in The Dark, DogVille and nowadays the movies at vision theExorcistand King Arthur.

There wasnt enough referenceto reach him, over internet but when Itried, hereplied soon.. He is interesting and different from other stars, in a few way, like have 6 kids and long lasting marriage and political appeance. Like he is mentioning that supporting Doctors without Border Organization.

KadınVizyon : What was the motivation you pushed to be an actor in your teenager age, in 1968? A coincedence or a consciously choice? You said, you would like to be a diplomat.. Why?

Stellan Skarsgard :
As a young boy I had a romantic idea about being a Diplomat. It sounded very important, dealing with matters of war and peace, travelling the world, nice parties....I actually never decided to become an actor. I just started as a child and kept on working and still dont know what to become when I grow up.

KadınVizyon : Could you tell us your Royal Dramatic Theatre years. You worked together with big names in those years like Ingmar Bergman..

Stellan Skarsgard :
I had a fantastic 16 years at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, mainly working with great directors as Alf Sjöberg and Per VernerStellan Skarsgard : [/b]Carlsson. I came there very young and stole as much as I could from the older and more talented actors, making sure I took a little from each one so nobody could trace the lot and believe I was copying anybody. All my theatre training I got there and I had a liftime contract when I quit, mainly because I had differenses with the new head of the theatre.

KadınVizyon : Actors, mostly cant maintain a marriage. But you are an exception in that matter with a long lasting marriage and 6 kids. Would you tell us your opinion about marriage and kids as general. And specifially what is your secret and opinion about your marriage and kids..

Stellan Skarsgard :
No clue, we all do what we can... and Im not perfect in any way....

KadınVizyon : Your 2 sons are following your steps, and getting a career in movie sector. Do you like that?

Stellan Skarsgard :
Ive never interferred with their choices in life. All you can do is give your children as much love and self esteem as possible when they are small then life has to be in their own hands.

Though I must say it worried me at first since it is a tough business but I held back and once they had shown their talent it only made me happy. Its a beautiful profession and they bring something very good to it.

KadınVizyon : How you can define your career? What kind of movies or dramas you would like to play? We see you both in popular American Movies like Ronin, and interesting projects like Breaking the Wawes…

Stellan Skarsgard :
I Really enjoy the privilidges to have. To be able to chose, between so many different projects. As an actor I usually find the more interesting roles in the smaller films, the European and American independent films, but its also very much fun and sometimes refreshing to do the big American studio projects..... And be like a child playing with guns and swords and not having to worry too much about the psychology of the character.

KadınVizyon : What is your opinion of todays world. I mean, hungryness, wars, weakness in political systems and politicians management, environmental problems. You are member of some public organizations (like Borderless Doctors), could you tell us which ones those are?

Stellan Skarsgard :
The state of the world worries me a lot of course, as it does anybody who isnt blind. I actively support Amnesty International, Medicins sans Frontier and the International Movement Attack......

And yes I could talk about it for hours....About the stupidity of the American foreign policy, About the danger of mixing politics and religion, About the way the western world steals from the poor through WTO, the World Bank and the general idea of Friedman economics, About the neglectance of human rights all over the world and the lack of tolerance and willingness to see reality through any eyes but your own....

KadınVizyon : The Exorcist is a kind of fantastic and unrealistic movie. What is your opinion about those kind of movies.. I mean, what we can say.. art is for art or to give messages to the public?

Stellan Skarsgard :
I see it as a fairytale meant to be entertaining, but also about losing faith in a wider way... Not nessecarily religous. Personally I dont worship any god. But I try to do good and if there is a god, and a good one he, or she, will not be vain enough to judge me by my worshiping but by the good, I do to my fellow humans.

KadınVizyon : Could you tell us about your award and nominateness..

Stellan Skarsgard : I dont know, you cant compete in art but its always very nice when you are appreciated. But it doesnt mean there arent a lot of fantastic actors that were just as deserving...or more.. checkIMDB siteif you want some of them (We checked it out fromBiography for Stellan Skarsgård page. It is written there he gotGuldbagge andSilver Berlin Bearand nomitated for some other awards)

KadınVizyon : What is your new plans, We read you are in 3 new projects. Could you tell us about them?

Stellan Skarsgard : I just finished a very interesting shoot in Iceland. Flim based on life of the old Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. Had a lot of fun, under very hard conditions. Two hurricanes and one volcano eruption, wasjust a part of it. But the role was great fun and lovely people to work with.

The next project planned is an American indipendent film with Holly Hunter and William Hurt called Downloding Nancy...A very dark, different and well written project, planned to start in April. Im now reading scripts, to see if there is anything interesting to do before, then but still havent found anything... Might just stay home and cook for a couple of months.

KadınVizyon : Do you like to play in historical movies?

Stellan Skarsgard : Doesnt really matter. There are more important things than the clothes.

KadınVizyon : Do you think, as a Swedish actor you had enough chance to show your talent.. Do you think you became internationally popular, in a late time.. Would you like to be an American actor? Why?

Stellan Skarsgard : Im so happy the way it is. Im an international actor with a lot of interesting work to chose between and have problems enough getting around without being recognized.

KadınVizyon : Could you compare us the European Cinema against to American movies? Which advantages both are they have..

Stellan Skarsgard : Theres not much difference when you work with the smaller budgets. But when you get into the big studio productions, with budgets sometimes a hundred million dollars and more, youre in for more industrial work than art and the scripts unfortunately look very much the same.

KadınVizyon : Who are your stars as director and movie stars?

Stellan Skarsgard : I dont know. Nil admirar. They are all human. Some brilliant at some things other at other..

KadınVizyon : What is your hobbies? What do you like to do in spare time?

Stellan Skarsgard : Cook.....sometimes even Turkish

KadınVizyon :For example?

Stellan Skarsgard :I havent done much Turkish cooking so if you know a site with recipes in English please let me know. I have made some köfte, kebab and different sallads. I do a lot of Moroccan cooking since I have been there on three films.

KadınVizyon : Do you have any knowledge about Turkey and Turks?

Stellan Skarsgard : Oh I follow politics and read my history. Very grateful to Atatürk for his laws on secularism and equality between men and women, still have some way to go there though.

Very pleased that you have entered the civilized world and abolished death penalty. Also hope you will enter the EU so we can become the same nation.

KadınVizyon : Would you like to play in a Turkish Movie?

Stellan Skarsgard : Would love to... if its good.....

For Turkish version of that interview pls click Stellan Skarsgard ile Exorcist'ten, Atatürk'e Uzanan Bir Sohbet




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Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking

Serbest Kürsü ve Kadınlarla ilgili haberler Stellan Skarsgard; About Cinema, World and Cooking Konusunu Konuğumuz olarak inceliyorsunuz sitemizde yaşamınızı hemen degistirecek bir cok telkinli hipnoz mp3 vardir tesaduf eseri de buradaysanız mutlaka inceleyiniz üst link TelkinCD tıklayınız I like cinema art as most of the people. But due to business things in last 4-5 years, I think I havent been follow as I would like to do.. Though, some good things, some artists or directors still can ...

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